tammy lee anderson from healing wellness - spiritual medium

Our Physical Reality Is Only One Frequency Within An Infinite Reality

Spiritual Mediumship Sessions

Spiritual Mediumship Sessions

Spiritual Mediumship is the practice of connecting with Loved ones who are in spirit. Communicating evidential information, and messages from those who have transitioned from physical form to spirit form for the purpose of bringing comfort and reassurance, Loved Ones still live on and are connected with us through Love.

Spiritual Mediumship: 45 Minute Session $150.00 | 1 person
($35 each additional person)- All Appointments Via Zoom only in PST 

* (Please watch the video below before your session) *.

 Please Note: SESSIONS are Now OPEN —  The booking calendar will be opened gradually 90 days at a time, to avoid being booked years at time.  If no openings are available, please check again the next month. 

*Online scheduling and payments are provided by VerySoul booking process – so you will be redirected to verysoul.com for scheduling and payment / through PayPal or Square

Note:  All Appointments are Non-Refundable after 5 days from the time of purchase ( a $10 service charge will charged for refunds); we do offer you the ability to reschedule, you must give a minimum of 48 hours notice. Every effort will be given with no guarantee of results.  If, for some reason, you cannot make your appointment, you are welcome to give the link for your session to a family member or a friend. If you miss your appointment, the payment will be given as a pay-it-forward donation.

 * Connection with Your Loved ones. (Please watch the video below before your session).

*Please see Terms and Conditions/ Disclaimer/ and Privacy Policy at footer of this page.

“What we call death is but a different vibrational experience than the physical, tuning into the vibrational experience of loved ones in spirit is like tuning into a radio frequency, and the dial to the radio is the heart”

~Tammy Lee Anderson


 *Getting the most out of your session (Please watch this video below before your session).

Spiritual Drawings


Facilitating Communication with Loved Ones in Spirit Through Artistic Mediumship


Tammy’s approach to bridging the physical and spiritual realms sometimes involves a unique practice of drawing.  She first started with simple sketches in her mediumship as a way to get into a flow state, to move out of her mind and into her heart. Tammy never drew portraits before and has done minimal drawing in her life, and early sketches reflected her lack of skill and training in drawing. Until one day when she was giving a communication for a mother who’s son is in spirit. His name is Jon, he spoke very clearly to her: “stop, turn the paper over and start over, and this time, relax, and let the energy flow, just let it come through you, don’t try, just let it flow”, it ended up he was an artist and he drew portraits ! to this day Tammy feels the presence and influence of Jon in her sketches and her mediumship, he continues to encourage her to relax and just let the energy flow.

What is truly remarkable is the striking resemblance often found between the sketches and photographs of departed loved ones that clients sometimes send after their sessions. This uncanny likeness serves as a powerful validation from loved ones in spirit that they are still right here. Tammy affirms this is spirit working through her, and gives full credit to those in spirit for the drawings.

Tammy extends an invitation to those interested in experiencing this intriguing form of mediumship; while there are no promises, she will set the intention to create a drawing during your session, offering the possibility of a profound connection between the physical and spiritual realms.

distand healing session

Distant Healing

When the body’s energy is balanced and flowing harmoniously, its innate wisdom for homeostasis and wholeness can initiate healing. With the guidance of Tammy’s spirit helpers, she assists clients in harnessing their own self-healing potential to address any energetic imbalances within their bio-field. During the Distant Healing process, you’ll be encouraged to relax in a seated or reclining position. Tammy will lead you through a relaxation process, allowing you to enter a receptive state for healing to occur.

Happy New Year 2025!  Just released:

Tammy Lee’s Healing Meditation

The Ultimate Healer: Healing Meditation

Here is the link : https://hemi-sync.com/product/the-ultimate-healer/

Remember, all healing is self-healing; spirit helpers and Tammy are present to facilitate the ideal conditions for healing. At times, Tammy may enter a deep trance state during or after your session to further assist spirit in the healing process.  

While instant healing can occur, more often, healing unfolds gradually. Consider that injuries typically occur rapidly, while healing most often occurs as a gradual process. Reflect on your own life experiences, such as recovering from a cut or injury, and the miraculous ability of the body to heal over time. Healing, in most cases, is a process. So, please keep in mind that healing may manifest as a gradual unfolding within your body and mind. 

Healing energy prayer is offered in support and Love. The healing is offered in support of your unique personal journey and ultimately all healing is self healing on a soul level.


Healing Session: $100.00 – 45 Minutes

Note: All Appointments are Non-Refundable after 5 days from the time of purchase  ( a $10 service charge will charged for refunds); we do offer you the ability to reschedule, you must give a minimum of 48 hours notice. Every effort will be given with no guarantee of results.  If, for some reason, you cannot make your appointment, you are welcome to give the link for your session to a family member or a friend. If you miss your appointment, the payment will be given as a pay-it-forward donation.

All Appointments Via Zoom

Please see Terms and Conditions/ Disclaimer/ and Privacy Policy at footer of this page.

Healing Sessions are not meant to replace your medical care, please continue to seek guidance from your healthcare team. 

Note:  Every effort will be given with no guarantees of results. If for some reason you cannot make your appointment you are welcome to give the link for your session to a family member or a friend. If you miss your appointment, the payment will be given as a pay-it-forward donation to the non-profit organization 



Dear Tammy

You were recommended to me by my friend E., as a distant healer. I had a severe stomach crisis and I had a lot of pain.

I wish to THANK YOU so much because after our private session, and your recommendations, which I followed, I could see the results after a short week. Now after a month, my health has really improved, and I can say that I have no more pain or side effects. I will contact you in a few weeks so we can have another session. Thank You very much for your help.

J….from Switzerland


Dear Tammy Lee
Was amazing! when you were doing the healing I felt the presence of Jesus around
me… I felt surrounded by Love and healing. I have not had any more pain since this
distant healing session. Thank You so much! Love and Gratitude,

Terrie from Calif. 


 My experience and sessions with Tammy, ( Wellness Counseling ), have been so impacting and life changing!   I have been seeing Tammy over a year now, and I’m beyond blessed to have her guidance, that taught me so much about self love and healing work that she did with me!   Tammy is amazing and her work is a blessing for so many that are touched by her work!

 Thank You Tammy for all you’ve done,   Lupe, Fresno, Ca.


Thank you so much Tammy for sharing your healing energies with me during my bout with COVID earlier this year. Your daily sessions helped me avoid worsening symptoms and regain my strength quickly. I deeply appreciate your beautiful energy and healing! Love to you,

Sally from NC.


Hi Tammy Lee…

I just wanted to tell you the difference I felt the following morning after the healing you helped me with! I have repeatedly given thanks for you, your healing angels, and mine for the difference it has made in the way I feel! Thank you again. 
I just wanted to let you know. 


Hi Tammy Lee…

I just wanted to tell you the difference I felt the following morning after the healing you helped me with! I have repeatedly given thanks for you, your healing angels, and mine for the difference it has made in the way I feel! Thank you again. 
I just wanted to let you know. 


Hi Tammy Lee…

I just wanted to tell you the difference I felt the following morning after the healing you helped me with! I have repeatedly given thanks for you, your healing angels, and mine for the difference it has made in the way I feel! Thank you again.
I just wanted to let you know.


wellness counseling

Wellness Counseling

Wellness counseling is a collaborative and client-centered approach to promoting holistic well-being and overall health. The primary focus of wellness counseling is on empowering and supporting clients in personal growth and wellness and may encompass physical, mental, emotional, and sometimes even spiritual aspects of well-being.

Examples of topics of focus may include:

  • Navigating through Loss and Grief –   IADC is a specific process to reduce sadness around grief. Please send a special request to set up appointments for the IADC.  ( IADC, Induced After Death Communication, Allan l. Botkin )
  • Strategies for Living with chronic pain and illness
  • Facing Death with Dignity and Peace
  • Strategies for Navigating fear and anxiety
  • Hypnotherapy for health
  • Wellness Counseling for any topic of current concern

It’s important to note that wellness counseling is not a replacement for medical or psychological treatment but rather complements traditional healthcare services by promoting proactive and preventative measures for overall well-being.

Wellness Counseling Session: 45 Minutes – $165.

Note: All Appointments are Non-Refundable after 5 days from the time of purchase ( a $10 service charge will charged for refunds); we do offer you the ability to reschedule, you must give a minimum of 48 hours notice. Every effort will be given with no guarantee of results.  If, for some reason, you cannot make your appointment, you are welcome to give the link for your session to a family member or a friend. If you miss your appointment, the payment will be given as a pay-it-forward donation.

Online scheduling and payments are provided by VerySoul.com booking process.

All Appointments Via Zoom

Please see Terms and Conditions/ Disclaimer/ and Privacy Policy at footer of this page.



Group Distant Healing Sessions

Free Group Distant Healing Sessions

If you would like to receive free healing all you need do is:

Fill out our contact form to be added to the Healing Prayer Book and you will be included in the free group healing . Held on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 9 am PST.

During the session we will not be connected online, but we will be connected in spirit (the Greater Internet!). It is most effective if at the time you can sit quietly or lay down and be comfortable to receive the healing. You may feel a warmth or tingling, or no sensation at all, just relaxation. And you may fall asleep, which is wonderful !  Next session will begin at 9am PST Feb 15, 2025



Be Still and Know that I Am God

Be Still and Know that I AM

Be Still and Know

Be Still
